Friday, April 20, 2007

Ella's Birthday Poem

Here's the birthday poem I wrote for Ella's 3rd birthday. It's not my best work, but it describes my special girl.

Happy 3rd Birthday Ella!

It's a very special day and I'd like to decree
Ella Rose Kasper is now the big three.

She's no longer a little baby or toddler,
Ella is a big girl and we really love her.

What can I say about the girl we all know,
To start, her favorite Dora is the World Adventure show

She likes to play doll house and animal rescue,
I swear her Diego figures are multiplying by two.

Her best friend is Kaari who lives down the street,
And playing with her makes Ella's day complete.

Super Ella is one of her favorite games with Dad,
Along with board games, puzzles, pirates, and the marching band.

Ella had a great time in Florida and she loved the beach,
Watching Mom and her play in the waves couldn't be beat.

She likes to say things over and over and over,
And she makes sure her books are in a row, and ordered.

Her favorite foods are noodles, broccoli, ham, and cheetoes,
She likes to run around the house with very little clothes.

Morgan, her baby sister, makes Ella's world go around,
And she makes Morgan giggle by acting like a clown.

And last, but not least, Ella loves to sing and dance,
She will steal your heart if you give her half a chance.

So Happy Birthday Ella, my beautiful daughter, my girl,
You make me the happiest Dad in the world.

1 comment:

alanm said...

Nice poem. Cute girls. Congratulations.

Thought you might like this video of Drew's band playing original music at a local coffee shop.